Our Approach

Mental health wellness is a commitment to YOU...before everything else

People of all ages, identities, and human service workers are strong and do a TON of work for others, and yet, sadly we do not build in time for ourselves. Two hours a week, a weekend retreat, or going to a professional workshop, may seem crazy to add to your schedule...but take a breath and think about what you can shift and build around YOU.

Look at your schedule, talk to your partner, boss, family, friends or whoever and make it happen for YOU. When you commit to yourself you have more you can share with others. There is always time to be a little selfish.
— Erica

Our core mental health therapy and community wellness services include:

  • Individual Therapy

  • Couples and Marriage Counseling

  • Group Therapy

  • Court Involved

  • Family Programs

  • School Programs

  • Community Resources

  • Professional Support




When thinking and feeling about who you have been, who you are, and who you want to be, we look at our foundation and what builds us up. Sometimes there is this notion that creeps in or hits us over the head like a bag of door knobs that we are stuck, that we do not have a choice, that our fate is sealed, that we are empty and without roots and wings. Taking time in a loving space allows us the capacity to understand our identity, individuality, and resiliency.




Some elements and connections hold us together and provide us a safety net as humans and as a community. Sometimes these are people, relationships, experiences, stories, or the unknown that explain or justify who we are, the choices we make, and what we cherish and yet take for granted.

These are required for our survival and are a pulse of give and take that is embedded into our sense of reality...like asking a frog to describe water in their pond...just like the frog, you can pick a different pond if you need different water, but you NEED the water. Embracing and empowering our basic primal needs are vital for the lifeline cords that bridge us from one enriched experience to the next.


YOU are your own KEYSTONE

Doubt, fear, excitement, happiness, and so many other emotions can allow you to forget that YOU are the strongest and most crucial piece that holds YOU together and make YOU who YOU are. The daily contemplation of "Am I good enough?" from many different voices has created a static hum that has overtaken our youthful confidence to "do your best, and sometimes you fail, and sometimes you succeed".

Think how bold you must be to take your first steps...where does that go? What inside you said, "I can do this?" Carving time for YOU to return to your inner keystone will reinforce the structure of who YOU are and the future foundations of who YOU will become.

WHEN you make choice, you can a change.